Friday, March 6, 2009

Weddings And Gift Giving On A Budget

Weddings And Gift Giving On A BudgetWhen you’ve been invited to a wedding one of the first things that you think of is the gift that you are going to buy for the special couple in celebration of their union.

Technically, a gift is not necessary if you are invited to a bridal shower or a wedding and you are unable to go. However, most people who are invited to showers and weddings do send gifts even if they cannot attend the event. There is no socially acceptable way to tell guests what type of gifts to give you. Gift etiquette also dictates that it is not advisable under any circumstance to ask for money instead of gifts, not even donations to charities are seen as appropriate. However, always remember that trends and practices change.

More and more people realize that getting the couple off to a good start, is what really matters. Monetary gifts are on a definite increase. Gift etiquette also states that gifts should typically not be mentioned at all on invitations. Word of mouth is the reliable tool to put into motion on this delicate matter.

Close friends, relatives and the members of your wedding party can be trusted allies in this undertaking of spreading the word, especially when receiving a specific enquiry regarding gifts. Wedding registries in-store, online and through other service providers, are helpful to couples and guests alike. Monetary gifts will mostly be given at the reception, in person, to the couple.

Envelopes will be handed to the happy couple as they make their way through the room greeting people. Guests have up to one year typically to send gifts according to wedding etiquette, and are normally sent to the couples’ new home address. These are just some examples of accepted practices for weddings gift etiquette.

Situations where gift giving might be optional: Wedding gifts are tokens of congratulations and affection. It remains however not necessary if you will not be at the wedding, reception, or if it is a second wedding.

Other situations might include: a group invitation to the ceremony extended to members of a church congregation; when a wedding invitation must be refused due to a prior commitment and when the guest is attending a second wedding of the bride and groom just a couple of years after attending the first. As a rule of thumb though, always plan on sending a gift when you accept a wedding invitation.

Money should never be given to earn ragging rights or display wealth or be-little the recipients and their families or interests in any way. Be sensitive, thoughtful and kind in your financial and monetary gestures, using common sense, opening your heart to the needs of those you want to make feel special.

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